Smooth Project Handover – Avoiding the 3 Most Common Mistakes 

The handover moment is pivotal. It’s not merely about handing over keys; it’s about transferring a comprehensive suite of documents, warranties, and operational guides. This ensures that the building owner is fully equipped to manage their new asset effectively. It’s like passing on a relay baton in a race; the smoother the exchange, the better the continuation of the journey.

But for contractors there’s more to it. This final interaction with the client leaves a lasting impression, influencing future collaboration opportunities. Here’s the 3 ways you can avoid common pitfalls and keep your handover process as smooth as possible:

1) The Paper Trap

We’ve all been there – relying on paper documents that somehow seem to grow legs and walk off. Not only is paper vulnerable to damage and loss, but missing information can cause major delays and the need for project rework. This risk is compounded when documents are submitted from various subcontractors, often resulting in inconsistent document formats and quality standards.

Effective project handover requires that the right technologies be put in place to meet project demands. Transitioning to a digital documentation system eliminates these risks. By organising documents in a cloud-based system, it is accessible anytime and enables real-time monitoring of progress. It also ensures that issues can be caught quickly and addressed earlier in the construction lifecycle. As Peter Drucker says, “if you can’t measure it, you can’t improve it”.

2) Avoiding the Last-Minute Crunch

Project handover is normally pushed back to the end of the project. Based on our journey, many head contractors find project handover in its current form inefficient and painful, as a result, information-related problems are commonly experienced, causing project delays and cost overruns.

To solve this, handover should be planned upstream and managed progressively throughout the project. A planned handover reduces the time and costs associated with the challenges listed above and ensures the best outcomes.

Dedicated handover software (worth its salt) can drastically improve this process and offer real-time connectivity with on-site and office teams. This ensures that those who rely on engineering data, drawings, documents, and models can be consulted, and sufficient time can be allocated to source the required information, catch issues, and ensure a high quality and fast handover.

The process can be further improved with features that streamline reviews and set clear project expectations. This includes standardisation, automation, and clear templates. In this way, project teams can ensure that every document is in the right format, at their fingertips, and that their clients remain happy.

3) The Issue with Unresolved Issues

Unforeseen issues are inevitable in construction projects. However, leaving these issues unresolved can lead to more significant problems. Whilst it is not a silver bullet, utilising dedicated cloud-based handover software sets your team up for success and allows for fast defect rectification. A clear and easy information management system that aligns with the project plan will support the early detection and resolution of issues, preventing them from escalating.

DocuBuild is Here to Help

Integrating DocuBuild into your project’s workflow can significantly streamline the handover process and avoids common pitfalls. By leveraging digital documentation systems, DocuBuild ensures all project artefacts are secure, organised, and accessible in the cloud.

Moreover, DocuBuild’s platform enables early and progressive handover planning, with features that support real-time connectivity, standardisation, and automation.

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